We help thousands of neighbors in need

  • 2,254 - Number of Youth enrolled in job placement programs

  • 1,407 - Number of children & youth attending after school programs

  • 1,245 - Number of children & youth attending summer programs

  • 722 - Number of high school students participating in enrichment activities and events

  • 813 - Number of participants in cultural activities (classes and dance troop)

  • 2,008 - Number of individual obtaining immigration benefits

  • 5,485 - Vulnerable immigrants provided with expert counsel and safeguarded from exploitation

  • 53,043 - Calls for help answered promptly with accurate information in multiple languages

  • 416 - Breadwinners helped to obtain authorization to work

  • 87 - Immigrants reunited with their families

  • 1,312 - Newcomers taught English and civics

  • 4,989 - Unaccompanied children given legal orientation

  • 613 - Refugees and asylees provided with employment and resettlement support

  • 5,935 - Number of eviction prevented

  • 4,042,233 - Number of Meals distributed through our food pantries

  • 619 - Number of Household securing SNAP benefits

  • 12,804 - Number of Helpline calls answered

  • 2,229 - Number of Families assisted with basic needs

  • 320 - Number of families assisted with preventing a utility shut off

  • 410 - Number of individuals with mental illness residing in a safe environment

  • 949 - Number of individuals with visual impairment provided adaptive training

  • 24,582 - Number of youth participating is parish/school sports programs

  • 146 - Number of parishes offering CYO sports programs